Electra Reed & Associates has had continued success getting students in to top schools.

These are the words every student wants to hear from their dream school.

For over 30 years, Electra Reed & Associates have helped students gain admission into their top choice schools. Our clients are consistently admitted to all schools in NESCAC - New England Small Collegiate Athletic Conference, the University of California schools, and selective schools throughout the south and midwest.

In the last five years, our clients have been admitted to Amherst, Boston College, Boston University, Bowdoin, Bucknell, College of Charleston, Cornell, Dartmouth, Georgetown, NYU, Syracuse, University of Chicago, University of Denver, University of Richmond, UVA, Villanova, Wake Forest, and Washington University in St. Louis, among many others.

High school students have been admitted to Brunswick, Deerfield Academy, Ethel Walker School, Exeter, Greenwich Academy, Hotchkiss, Kent School, Middlesex, Miss Porter’s School, St. Paul’s School, Taft, Westminster and Woodberry Forest.